
The inside-out library, or the alchemist librarian

A year on, as is tradition, ELAG Conference will be one of the most important events for people like us, working on the application of information technology in libraries. As every year, the conference has a topic, and this year’s is the inside-out library.

Now we are changing our focus and will all become inside-out libraries, we have to work on what we have inside. We have to find the ‘lingering gold’ in our communities. Dig for it, refine and polish it and make it attractive and useful for others.

The deadline for proposals is Friday 31 January 2014, and there are many subthemes to talk about. From repositories and research data, to library user support and training among others. This year is held in the University of Bath, a city designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. I’m sure it’s a good opportunity to share our experiences and learn from many other libraries, so go for it!

About this post

This post was first published on LibTechNotes, a blog from the Library team at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to share our everyday findings, solutions and inspirations.
