
An umbrella after the deluge

Last week finished the Big Data Week #bdw14, the third edition of an international event orgnaized in more than 30 cities worldwide (Barcelona among them) with lectures, discussions, workshops and presentations on the impact of Big Data on different aspects of the society. CCCB hosted most of the events in Barcelona, and it was organized also by Catalunya Dades and media140. In the event’s setting, UOC and Catalunya Dades organize the second edition of introductory course to open data, instructed by UOC’s professor Julià Minguillón. But if you missed it and you are interested in Big Data, the CCCB hosts until 26th October an exposition curated by Olga Subirós and José Luis de Vicente exploring the datification of the world and its consequences.

The Big Bang Data exhibition explores the emergence of the database as a framework for cultural and political thinking and the effects of datafication of the world.

In the exhibition we would demistify the Internet Machine on Timo Arnall’s installation, learn about the basic vocabulary of Big Data or visualize the complexity of the world through data among other exhibitions. A good opportunity to grasp the deluge of information in a more experiential way.

About this post

This post was first published on LibTechNotes, a blog from the Library team at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to share our everyday findings, solutions and inspirations.
